4 Ways to BUST Through This Health Roadblock


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4 Ways to BUST Through This Health Roadblock


I’ll cut right to the chase this morning — I am HURTING from head to toe today. 

This past weekend, I took a 3 ½ hour mixed martial arts blackbelt “pre-test,” the objective of which was to assess whether I (and eight of my fellow students) had achieved the necessary physical requirements to take the upcoming blackbelt test.

As you know, I’m no stranger to working out. I’ve been a runner for 32 years (completing 3 full marathons) and I’ve been in the martial arts (first karate and now MMA) for the last 22 years.

But this test kicked my BUTT! It started with a 1.5-mile run (which wasn’t much of a stretch for me), but then what followed was 3 hours of every kind of strength exercise you could possibly imagine. 

Even pull-ups, chin-ups and standing long jumps the length of your own body—things I certainly don’t do on a regular basis!

I’m happy to say that I passed the test and have been cleared to go for my (second) blackbelt this spring, but experiencing this muscle soreness made me think of the challenges people face when starting an exercise routine, especially if they haven’t worked out lately (or ever).

Unfortunately, so many people go gung-ho at first and then when they feel like I do right now (or even worse, get injured) they quit.

But the thing is, there is no substitute for the health benefits of regular exercise! No magic pill out there that’s going to replace physical activity, period.

What you need to do is exercise smartly and safely. Here are some tips for your success:

Get your doctor’s OK first

Very few people are completely unable to exercise; most of us can at least tolerate an activity such as walking, biking or using free weights. However, it is important to see a doctor and have him or her clear you for exercise, especially if you have never exercised, haven’t done so in quite a while, or are pursuing an activity that you have never done before.

It is also important to get a doctor’s OK if you:

  • Have a known heart condition or have had a stroke
  • Have chest pain, particularly on exertion
  • Have fallen due to dizziness or blacking out
  • Become breathless on mild exertion
  • Have a joint or back problem 
  • Are pregnant

Pick the right activity

For the best chance of success, you should choose an activity that you like, that interests you or at least that you will not dread. Here are some points to consider:

Acknowledge your physical limitations. For example, if you have a back or knee condition that makes running difficult, don’t try to run. Biking, walking, swimming, or yoga are more conducive to someone with back or knee issues.

If you are self-conscious or hesitant about joining a gym, there are DVDs or TV workouts you can use in the privacy of your own home. There are also home exercise equipment options including treadmills and stationary bikes.

If you are open to the idea of a gym or class, there are traditional gyms (with weights and machines), as well as kickboxing, yoga, martial arts, step classes, aerobics, dancing, spin classes, you-name-it.

You can choose more than one activity to mix things up, work your body in different ways and keep it interesting.

Proper form is important too! If you are brand-new to exercise, it’s wise to work with a personal trainer either privately or at a gym to help prevent injuries.

Motivation is the key!

One of the biggest roadblocks to regular exercise is lack of motivation.

So, to help keep you motivated, here are 6 ways to make exercise more enjoyable:

1- Get a buddy. You’ll talk and laugh the time away, plus you’ll be less likely to skip a workout if you have someone counting on you to show up. My friend Mariana and I have a blast in our MMA classes, even as we’re sparring against each other!

2- Keep your goals real. Don’t say you’re going to run 5 miles a day if you’ve never even run 50 feet before. Start with reasonable goals and build up.

3- Join an exercise class. You’ll be in a room full of people that are in the same boat as you and you’ll make new friends.

4- Remember to periodically look back and see how far you’ve come. Even if you wanted to run those 5 miles, if you are now up to 2 miles, pat yourself on the back! That’s great progress.

5- Tell yourself every time you’re putting on your sneakers, “I am worthy of great health, and I can do this.”

6- Most importantly, IGNORE THE NAY-SAYERS! Don’t listen to those people who want to discourage you and bring you down by telling you you’re going to hurt yourself or criticizing you. I was once told that my running stride was no good, and I remembered that remark and laughed after completing my third full marathon.

Remember to support your body’s efforts to be fit and healthy!

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that since you’re working out, you can eat like crap or throw healthy habits to the wind!

NO amount of exercise will negate the effects of a bad diet and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Here are some other important points to remember:

- Make sure to stick to a wholesome diet of real foods, and avoid processed foods, refined carbs and soda. Do the majority of your grocery shopping in the outer perimeter of the store where the fresh foods are located. Also, keep the booze under control.

- Getting enough rest is crucial too. Your body regenerates and heals during sleep, so make sure you’re getting 7-9 hours a night.

- Keeping inflammation low is essential too, especially if you haven’t exercised in a while (or ever). Our Optimal Turmeric Blend is your ticket for safely and naturally curbing inflammation. Note that in addition to easing inflammation in your muscles, bones and joints, turmeric also has been shown to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol too!

- Hydrate often. Now is not the time to skimp on your water consumption, especially if you exercise outside in warm weather. And don’t get sucked into the energy drink/sports drink trap. Your body’s primary need is water unless you are exercising in extremely hot weather for over 90 minutes.

- Make sure you have enough vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is essential for your body to create energy, so when you are low in it (as many people are), your body simply cannot support your body’s energy needs… and you find yourself perpetually pooped out as a result!

Our Hydroxaden 2.5 Vitamin B spray can help ensure that you have high-energy supporting levels of this crucial nutrient! Hydroxaden 2.5 provides a therapeutic 2.5 mg of vitamin B12 in every daily dose, plus vitamins B2, B3 and B6 which work with B12 to support the pep in your step, as well as help prevent heart disease!

And if you do suffer occasional soreness, taking a warm bath in Epsom salts can be extremely helpful.

Here’s to your fitness and great health,

Sherry Brescia

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