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Shocking facts about food allergies

Shocking facts about food allergies

When the subject of a food allergy comes up, most people think that it’s something you’re born with and all you need to do is stay away from the offending food.

Well, it’s not quite as simple as that.

Feb 09, 2017 8 comments

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Natural remedies for gout

Natural remedies for gout

About 8 million people in the US suffer regular attacks of pain, swelling, and inflammation in their joints, otherwise known as gout

Gout is typically the result of one of two things—too much uric acid being created by your body, or too little uric acid being eliminated.

Feb 08, 2017 8 comments

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Most Americans have this sneaky virus—do you?

Most Americans have this sneaky virus—do you?

It may be an unsettling thought, but 95 percent of Americans have a sneaky virus that in best cases lies dormant and doesn’t cause much of a problem…but in others, well, it’s a different story.

I’m talking about Epstein-Barr virus.

Here’s what you need to know about this sly virus that may be affecting you more than you realize.

Feb 07, 2017 6 comments

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Do you have signs of this on your face?

Do you have signs of this on your face?

You’re probably aware by now that the health of your intestinal tract has a major effect on whether you suffer from problems like gas, constipation or bloating.

You might also know that your gut houses 70 percent of your immune system and makes most your body’s serotonin.

But here's something you might not think of. 

Feb 06, 2017 10 comments

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7 Natural snoring remedies

7 Natural snoring remedies

Snoring is something not to be ignored!   Check out these 7 natural snoring remedies that will help you sleep better. 

Feb 03, 2017 9 comments

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E-cigarettes—a smart alternative to tobacco?

E-cigarettes—a smart alternative to tobacco?

Here is the unsettling truth about e-cigarettes.  

As I walked along the streets of Manhattan recently it seemed everywhere I turned I saw someone puffing on an e-cigarette. 


Feb 02, 2017 8 comments

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