10 smart tips for a longer, healthier life
As much as I would like to say otherwise, despite all our scientific and medical “advances,” we’ve reached a very dismal point in our human existence. For the first time ever, children of today are not expected to live as long as their parents did. There are many factors that are contributing to this grim fact—overuse of pharmaceuticals, environmental toxins, degradation of our food supply, and unhealthy lifestyle habits are some of the major...
How many brains do you have? (Hint: it’s more than one)
The grey matter in your skull is not your only brain.
You have another one about 30 inches south of the first one.
It’s called your gut microbiome.
You have another one about 30 inches south of the first one.
It’s called your gut microbiome.
You need these now more than ever!
Research continues to uncover all the growing ways your gut microbiome controls your physical AND mental health. Here are just a few of the vital roles it plays: