What does your tongue say about your health?
Modern medicine uses a very pinpointed approach and typically narrows its diagnostic efforts on the “troublesome spot.” For example, if you go to the doctor reporting abdominal pain and diarrhea, you’ll likely get tests aimed at the gut, such as a lower GI series, ultrasound, colonoscopy or maybe a barium enema. On the other hand, traditional medicine (which includes acupuncture and Ayurveda) looks at the entire body as a series of parts and systems...

The truth about skin cancer and sunscreen
I’ve probably told you this before, but I’m a people watcher. Not in a strange way! Instead I observe people’s behaviors from an educational perspective, especially as they relate to health and lifestyle habits. I was at the beach recently and noticed that, with very few exceptions (including myself), everyone around me was diligently and regularly applying their sunscreen. And all I could think to myself is, “Fear is an excellent marketing tactic.”...

How to get rid of stubborn belly fat
Currently 74 percent (nearly three out of four) of American adults are overweight or obese, so I think it’s safe to say that there’s no shortage of belly fat around. But is all belly fat created equal? And what’s driving this epidemic of blossoming waistlines? Is it just that we’re eating too much? Or is there more to it than that? Let’s look at several factors that are behind our expanding midsections and more...

Magnesium—the magnificent mineral!
I’m often asked what the most important vitamins and minerals are, and my response is always, “All of them.” But a certain mineral stands out from the others because it supports great health in a variety of ways, and a deficiency could be downright deadly. I’m talking about magnesium! Here’s the scoop on all that magnesium does for you, why you may be low in it (because most people are!) and what you can do...