10 Smart strategies for a longer life
Here is a startling statistic to wake you up on this Monday morning. For the first time ever, children of today are not expected to live as long as their parents. Despite all our scientific and medical “advances,” we continue to get sicker and sicker…and eventually our life expectancy will start to decrease in future generations. Now the begging question here is: What in the world is going on? Well, there are many factors...
- Tags: Exercise, General Health, Healthy Living, microbiomes, Sleep, Stress

The epidemic no one is talking about
I recently went to my 40th high school reunion, and one of the most “telling” moments of the event was looking at our yearbook and seeing how drastically everyone had changed. It’s one thing to see someone every day and not notice subtle changes over the years, but it’s quite another to look at 40 years ago versus now—it hits you like a ton of bricks! Well, the same can be said for a...

News flash: This is NOT normal!
The people I’ve consulted with over the years probably numbers into the thousands at this point, and although my clients’ health concerns have run the gamut, one central theme rings true with just about everyone I encounter. They are suffering, they don’t know why, and sadly have come to view their sickly state of health as “normal.” They’re overweight, lack energy, have high blood pressure, diabetes, gut aches, chronic infections, allergies, asthma, arthritis, you-name-it....

What in the world is MTHFR? (And why you should care)
Although it looks like an acronym for a dirty word, MTHFR stands for methyletetrahydrofolate reductase—which is an enzyme that converts folic acid (vitamin B9) into its usable, active form—called methyl-folate (5MTHF). Active methyl-folate is important because it plays a crucial role in a biochemical process called methylation. Methylation is heavily involved with your body’s ability to detox itself, as well as enzyme, hormone and neurotransmitter production, and it even affects your DNA! Methylation is...

This is truly the key to a long, disease-free life
Just a few decades ago, relatively little was known about the human gut microbiome. It was common knowledge that the gut houses microorganisms (including bacteria, fungi and even certain viruses), and that for the most part, these little inhabitants either helped us in some way or at least didn’t hurt us. Boy have things changed! As studies of the microbiome have continued to explode over the last 30+ years and into the present time,...

8 Causes (and solutions!) for your digestive misery
I recently read an article which reported that nearly 8 out of 10 of Americans suffer from digestive misery at least occasionally, and about 25 percent of us suffer from some form of GI distress on a regular basis! So, in other words, you’re basically a weirdo if you don’t have gut problems! Am I the only one who’s wondering what’s going on?! Why in the name of heaven are most of us gassy and bloated, belching...