What your tongue is trying to tell you
When a person wakes up one day with excruciating pain, a high fever or a rash all over their body, it’s pretty obvious that something is wrong, and they better find out what it is.
But sometimes the warning signals your body gives you aren’t so obvious—they’re more subtle.
And nowhere is this truer than in your mouth—specifically, your tongue.
- Tags: Healthy Living, Healthy Mouth, Immune Health

How to have a healthy mouth (plus 5 amazing tooth facts)
You may recall there was a commercial in the 1970s for Ultra Brite toothpaste featuring the beautiful late actress Farrah Fawcett flashing her pearly whites at the camera. Of course, the makers of Ultra Brite wanted you to buy their toothpaste, thinking you’d have a gorgeous smile like Farrah if you did. But there’s a lot more to healthy teeth and gums than just toothpaste!
- Tags: General Health, Healthy Mouth

Could your teeth be slowly killing you?
The average person probably isn’t knowingly trying to slowly kill themselves. But unfortunately, there is a silent, deadly toxin in many people’s teeth that is wreaking havoc with their health and life…and they don’t even know it!
That deadly toxin is mercury—specifically mercury in amalgam dental fillings.
Here’s what you must know about this lethal element and how to escape its deadly effects.