How to prevent the second most deadly cancer
March is “National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.” Since colorectal cancer is second only to lung cancer in terms of deadliness, it’s good to be aware of it and more importantly, know how to prevent it. Colorectal cancer is rather personal to me since my Mom had it back in 1978 and ended up with a permanent colostomy as a result. When she was first diagnosed, it seemed so shocking to 15 year-old me, but...
- Tags: Cancer, Digestive Health, Fiber, Healthy Colon, Healthy Eating, Vitamin D

Gut on fire? Do what you need to do to stop it!
It amazes me when people complain about gut aches, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, you-name-it, yet at the same time they are completely unwilling and resistant to doing what they need to do in order to feel better. They want so desperately to just eat the way they’ve always eaten, yet somehow magically feel great. I recently saw a comment from a member (I’ll call him “Bill”) of a Facebook digestive health support group that’s the...
Are you finally ready to end your IBS?
If you’ve been a reader of mine for a while, you are probably aware that I used to suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Looking back, I can say that my (former) condition was both a curse and a blessing. A curse, of course, because I suffered for many years with regular gas, bloating and anything-but-normal bowel movements. But it was also a blessing because, since I was able to eradicate my condition with...

News flash: This is NOT normal!
The people I’ve consulted with over the years probably numbers into the thousands at this point, and although my clients’ health concerns have run the gamut, one central theme rings true with just about everyone I encounter. They are suffering, they don’t know why, and sadly have come to view their sickly state of health as “normal.” They’re overweight, lack energy, have high blood pressure, diabetes, gut aches, chronic infections, allergies, asthma, arthritis, you-name-it....

I have a secret to tell you
I have a little secret to share with you. Today is my birthday, and not only that, this is my LAST birthday in the 50s. Gulp! And while knocking on the door of 60 may sound a little scary on the surface, I honestly feel great! I’m still running every week, doing full-contact karate sparring (fighting men), and enjoying a consistent high level of energy. Plus I recently got mistaken as my daughter’s sister...

Always hungry? How to quiet your inner dinner bell
While most of us believe that hunger is our body’s way of telling us it needs food, there are other reasons why your inner dinner bell may be clanging. Here are 10 to consider:1- You’re thirsty Many people think that they’re hungry when they’re actually thirsty. Next time you feel hungry between meals, drink a glass of water instead and see if your hunger subsides.2- You’re eating too much saltSalt can trigger both thirst...