This is even worse than sugar for your health!
If you’ve been a reader of mine even for a short while, you probably remember me talking about the dangers of sugar, especially in the toxic form of high fructose corn syrup. Sugar is a driving force behind a whole slew of diseases and conditions including diabetes, insulin resistance, cancer, heart disease, obesity, dementia, immune dysfunction and chronic inflammation, to name a few. And it’s no wonder that our rates of these conditions skyrocketed...
- Tags: Cholesterol, Exercise, Fats, Omega-3 fatty acids

The skinny on fats
When it comes to the subject of diet, there are a LOT of misconceptions out there. And one notorious area that continues to be a source of confusion is the topic of fats! I’m here to clear up any confusion you may have about fats, help you to realize they are not the demon they have been made out to be, but a necessary, health-supporting nutrient. We’ll start with the different types of fats…...

Got belly fat? Here’s how to get rid of it!
With nearly seventy percent of Americans currently being overweight or obese, I think it’s safe to say that there’s no shortage of belly fat around. But is all belly fat created equal? And what’s driving this epidemic of spare tires and muffin tops? Is it just that we’re eating too much? Or is there more to it than that? Let’s look at several factors that are behind our “blossoming bellies” and more importantly, how you...

Do you have too much fat? How to tell.
I don’t think I’ll be shocking you off your chair this morning if I say that excess body fat is generally not a good thing. But in terms of your health, not all body fat is created equal! What matters more is the type of fat you’re carrying and where it’s located. Here’s what I mean: Fat types and areas of accumulation Your body has two types of fat—subcutaneous and visceral. Subcutaneous fat is...

What you don’t know about fats can kill you
I once attended a presentation geared toward local business owners and after the speaker’s lecture, they offered coffee, tea and cake for refreshments. As I walked by with my cup of tea, the woman cutting the cake asked if I’d like a piece and I said, “No thank you.” She responded, “Oh, go ahead and have a piece. It’s healthy.” I’m not often speechless, but this time I was. She must have seen my...

Fats—what to eat, what to avoid
There is probably no diet topic in the world that causes more confusion than fats, and it’s abundantly clear that people are still terrified of them.
- Tags: Fats, Healthy Eating, Heart Health