Should you be doing this to prevent disease?
One of the biggest mistakes people make with respect to their health is to assume that the absence of symptoms is indicative of good health. Not necessarily so. You see, sickness and disease don’t just suddenly pop up out of nowhere. Instead it is more of a gradual process that you might not even pick up on for a while. Here’s what I mean—it all starts with irritation which progresses to inflammation. You irritate...

Why does the CDC continue to ignore these diseases?
In theory, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is responsible for providing current, accurate information about health-related issues for Americans. Too bad a lot of what we’re seeing from them is neither current nor accurate. First of all, when searching “Leading causes of death in the US,” the CDC is still showing data from 2021 (three years ago). That’s current? Heart disease continues to top the list with about 695,000 deaths, and...

Six ways you may be increasing your heart disease risk
Tomorrow is February 1st and February is National Heart Health Month! Now, I think it’s safe to say that most of us don’t want anything bad going on with our ticker and vessels. But unfortunately, many people have habits that are inviting heart disease to come knocking. And the thing is, they likely don’t even know it! Here are six of the most common habits that people have that increase the likelihood of heart...

This can either save your life or kill you
When faced with the unsettling news that they have a disease, many people are taken aback and swear that it just “came out of nowhere.” Trust me, nothing could be further from the truth. Disease is not a sneaky monster that lurks in the shadows and waits for its opportunity to bite poor unsuspecting you in the derriere. No, my friend—disease is slowly CREATED, and although there are many factors that determine whether your...

Shocking factors that trigger chronic disease
Warning: You may find this blog a bit disturbing, and truthfully, I hope you do. Because our health is being undermined, challenged and downright ASSAULTED by many “players” secretly operating behind the scenes that don’t give a damn whether you live or die. All they care about is profits. Period. And their success is contingent upon your continued ignorance so they can keep making money off you as you get sick and die. Before...

The 3rd leading cause of death in the US (Hint: It’s not what you’ve been told)
As far as causes of death go, most people are aware that the top two killers in the US are heart disease (#1) and and cancer (#2). And up until 2020, the third leading cause of death was accidents followed by chronic lower respiratory diseases. However, that all changed as of 2020. Because now the CDC ranks COVID-19 as our number three killer. Death numbers reported by the CDC for 2021 (the most recent...
- Tags: Disease, General Health, Healthy Living