Holistic Blends Blog


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Everything you’ve been told about cholesterol is false

Everything you’ve been told about cholesterol is false

  Back when I was earning my Nutrition Master’s, one of my reading requirements was the book Deep Nutrition by Dr. Cate Shanahan.  In Deep Nutrition, Dr. Shanahan tells the story of how she was taught in medical school that cholesterol causes heart disease, that a diet low in cholesterol and saturated fats was “heart healthy,” and statins were the gold standard for lowering cholesterol. But something was troubling her. If saturated fats and cholesterol...

Jul 13, 2023 3 comments

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Read this before you take a statin for cholesterol!

Read this before you take a statin for cholesterol!

  I would venture to say that there is no subject on God’s green earth that is as poorly understood as cholesterol. When talking about cholesterol, the extent of most people’s understanding is that it’s the demon that leads to heart disease and the magic number to strive for is 200, baby. And if your blood tests show you’re in the elevated range, welcome to the world of statins. But how did we get here? ...

May 09, 2022 3 comments

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Are you still using these poisons?

Are you still using these poisons?

  Arguably one of the greatest frauds committed by the food industry against the human race is the creation of artificial sweeteners. I say that because at no other time in our history have we encountered such deadly poisons being willingly consumed by the masses…while our “regulators” (the FDA) have apparently ignored the mounding evidence of their health dangers and have declared them “safe for the general population.” And the marketing angles are perfect! These...

Nov 08, 2021 5 comments

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This is your most vital organ—take care of it or else!

This is your most vital organ—take care of it or else!

  October is National Liver Awareness Month. While I feel pretty confident that we are all “aware” of our livers, I’d be willing to bet that many people don’t know everything that their liver does for them. It’s arguably your most important vital organ!  In addition, unlike your other organs and systems, unfortunately you don’t always get obvious warning signs when something is awry with your liver…so yours may be suffering and you don’t even...

Oct 13, 2021 6 comments

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What you don’t know about fats can kill you

What you don’t know about fats can kill you

  I once attended a presentation geared toward local business owners and after the speaker’s lecture, they offered coffee, tea and cake for refreshments. As I walked by with my cup of tea, the woman cutting the cake asked if I’d like a piece and I said, “No thank you.” She responded, “Oh, go ahead and have a piece.  It’s healthy.” I’m not often speechless, but this time I was. She must have seen my...

Apr 20, 2021 6 comments

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This disease fighter is almost too good to be true!

This disease fighter is almost too good to be true!

  You know the old saying that goes, “If it sounds too good to be true it probably is”? Most times that’s sage advice because you may be missing something or getting deceived in some way! But that’s not always the case. Because every once in a while, something comes along that really is THAT GOOD and hard as it may be to conceive, it’s the truth! A perfect example of this is the spice...

Mar 24, 2021 4 comments

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