5 Diet Misconceptions... Have you been fooled?
I’m going to start today’s blog by giving you some rather unsettling statistics. Currently in the US: Seven out of ten adults have at least one chronic condition, and shockingly, so do 54 percent of our children. Three out of four of us are overweight or obese. Eight out of ten of us are medicated, and over half of us take two or more medications each day. What in the world is going ON? Well,...

Craving carbs? Here’s how to finally stop!
The health issues that my clients discuss with me truly run the gamut, but by far the most common concern I hear is: HOW CAN I STOP CRAVING CARBS?!! Carb cravings are especially challenging this time of year when you are surrounded by Thanksgiving pies, dinner rolls, homemade breads, and Christmas cookies and candy. But never fear! Because you CAN break your carb craving cycle. Here is what you need to know: Know the...

It’s a fact—carb addiction is real! (Here’s how to break free)
I once worked with someone who absolutely could not say no to starchy carbs and sugars. She always had a box of some kind of chip or cracker in her desk at work. She used to sneak to the little store across the street from the office and buy cookies or candy after lunch. When we would have a birthday celebration for a co-worker, she would take a second piece of cake later in...

Can you really be addicted to carbs?
When the word “addiction” comes up, the average person typically thinks of someone who has a problem with drugs, alcohol or cigarettes…or maybe even gambling or sex. But there is a whole other category of addiction that most people don’t even think of… Unless you’re affected by it. I’m talking about addiction to sugars and starchy carbs. People whose 4 food groups are pasta, breads, sweets and crackers are sometimes humorously referred to as...
- Tags: Addiction, Carbohydrates, Healthy Eating, Stress, Sugar, Yeast