Holistic Blends Blog


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What your tongue is saying about your health

What your tongue is saying about your health

  Modern medicine uses a pinpointed approach and typically narrows its diagnostic efforts on the “spot of trouble.” For example, if you go to the doctor reporting severe abdominal pain and diarrhea, you’ll likely get tests aimed at the gut, such as a lower GI series, ultrasound, colonoscopy or maybe a barium enema. On the other hand, traditional medicine (which includes acupuncture and Ayurveda) looks at the entire body as a series of parts and...

Aug 04, 2021 4 comments

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Can we talk about a taboo subject?

Can we talk about a taboo subject?

  I have to confess that I get my inspirations for writing sometimes in the strangest, most warped ways. Today I have an appointment for my annual GYN checkup…and while I’m happy to report I’m feeling fine, the same cannot be said for many other women who may be paying a visit to their gynecologist today. Because one of the most common reasons to see a GYN is a vaginal yeast infection! Ah yes, most...

Jan 14, 2021 1 comment

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A sneaky health wrecker that’s overlooked by doctors

A sneaky health wrecker that’s overlooked by doctors

  Probably the biggest downfall of our mainstream medical system is that it’s primarily symptom-focused and not cause-focused.  So much emphasis is placed on prescribing measures (usually drugs) that lessen or take away symptoms while the underlying cause remains largely unexplored. As a result, millions of people spend a good part of their lives chained to a prescription bottle because without it, their symptoms come back and they feel miserable.  Plus let’s not forget that...

Apr 27, 2020 3 comments

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How to (finally) stop craving carbs

How to (finally) stop craving carbs

  As I chatted with many of the people who came to see me speak at the Trinity Health Freedom Expo this past weekend in the Chicago area one concern rang loud and clear above all others... HOW CAN I STOP CRAVING CARBS?!! But my message to them and you is this:  Never fear!  Because you CAN break the carb craving cycle!  Here’s what you need to know: [[big4]]All carbs are not created equal[[end]] While...

Oct 28, 2019 2 comments

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Put an end to yeast and fungal infections now!

Put an end to yeast and fungal infections now!

  The phrase “too much of a good thing” warns that an excess of anything can be bad or a downright disaster. Nowhere is this truer than with yeast (Candida) in your body! When they are present in the right amounts in your intestinal tract, yeasts can be good guys!  They help kill harmful bacteria that you may take with food or from the environment, they assist with digestion and even help you absorb essential...

Aug 14, 2019 6 comments

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Fatigued? Always sick? Moody? This may be why

Fatigued? Always sick? Moody? This may be why

Have you recently seen a doctor for any of these symptoms?

  • Exhaustion
  • Cravings for sweets or starches
  • Bad breath or body odor
  • Persistent cough, sore throat
  • Brain fog
  • Mood swings
  • Joint pain
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Chronic sinus and allergy issues
  • Gas, bloating, heartburn or constipation
  • Weak immune system functioning/repeated infections
Jul 31, 2018 2 comments

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