Why you should question cancer tests and treatment
Cancer detection and treatment is a trillion dollar a year industry and it’s easy to see why.
- Tags: Cancer, Chemotherapy

My top 10 cancer prevention tips
Despite billions of dollars being spent on research and the “war on cancer,” the cancer death rate in this country has decreased only slightly in the last 60 years or so.
The good news is, it has been estimated that at least half of all cancer deaths can be prevented!
Here are the top 10 measures that I consider to be the most effective at reducing your risk of becoming a cancer statistic:
- Tags: Cancer, General Health

Good & bad news about colorectal cancer
March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. So there will be a lot of “awareness” being trumpeted to the masses—mostly telling people to get their colonoscopies, watch for changes in bowel habits and basically hope your number doesn’t come up in the colorectal cancer lottery. Well, I have a lot more to say than that. Here’s what people should really be “aware” of:
- Tags: Cancer, Healthy Colon, Healthy Eating