Holistic Blends Blog


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Do you have high levels of this “silent killer”?

Do you have high levels of this “silent killer”?

  April is Stress Awareness Month. While I think most of us are pretty well aware of stress, I suspect many people might not know just how harmful it can be, especially when it’s chronic and ongoing. Although the medical community calls high blood pressure the “silent killer,” I think that term better applies to stress, since stress is something we ALL deal with. Let’s look at what stress really is, all the ways it...

Apr 04, 2022 4 comments

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How to keep your brain sharp (and a fun quiz!)

How to keep your brain sharp (and a fun quiz!)

  Back when my dear mother was still in a nursing home (prior to her passing in 2015 at age 94), every time I would visit her, I would pop my head into the doorway of her room and say, “Hi Mom!  How are you?” She would always respond, “Well, Sher, I hurt from head to toe (with arthritis), but I still know who you are!” Ah yes, age-related cognitive decline is a very real...

Feb 16, 2022 4 comments

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Surprising health benefits of chocolate (plus a recipe)

Surprising health benefits of chocolate (plus a recipe)

  Happy Valentine’s Day! It’s a day known for romance, flowers, and… Chocolate! Now, many people have a love/hate relationship with chocolate in that they love it, but hate the fact that it can pack the pounds on you. Well, here’s the thing—when you have a regular diet of wholesome real foods (and stay away from junk and fast foods), you CAN enjoy an occasional sweet treat like chocolate and not pay the price! Plus...

Feb 14, 2022 1 comment

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How to slash your risk of dementia

How to slash your risk of dementia

  People sometimes joke around about forgetfulness or “CRS disease” as we age, but in reality, mental decline (dementia) is no laughing matter. Currently one in three senior citizens dies with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia, and over six million Americans are living with the condition. Even more disturbingly, that number is projected to rise to 13 million over the next few decades. And it’s not just old age!  While dementia is typically found...

Dec 08, 2021 4 comments

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Do you take fish oil?  Here’s 12 reasons why you should!

Do you take fish oil? Here’s 12 reasons why you should!

  A study was recently conducted by researchers out of Harvard that determined a group of 12 risk factors that were considered preventable causes of death. Unsurprisingly, high blood pressure and smoking were ranked right up at the top. But coming in at a significant number 6 was an Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency! Although this may be a surprise to some people, it really shouldn’t be, and it makes sense.  Because people of ALL ages...

Oct 04, 2021 3 comments

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Rates of this condition have skyrocketed since COVID

Rates of this condition have skyrocketed since COVID

  May is National Mental Health Awareness Month, and that topic brings back vivid memories about my father from my childhood.  You see, in addition to dying of a massive heart attack at age 58 (when I was 15), my Dad was also an alcoholic.  I didn’t understand as a kid what may have been the driving force behind his drinking—all I knew was that I couldn’t have friends over because I was too embarrassed,...

May 03, 2021 0 comments

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