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My (horrible) experience with blood pressure drugs

My (horrible) experience with blood pressure drugs

  The title of today’s article may have surprised you—Sherry is taking blood pressure medication?  Alas, not everything is as it appears, my friend, so let me tell you the whole story. As you may recall, I found a dynamic new integrative physician down here in Florida who is truly focused on health—not disease—and is helping me to maintain optimal health as I (quickly!) approach age 60. Part of his very thorough workup was a...

Jul 25, 2022 8 comments

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The real culprit behind high blood pressure (Hint: it’s not salt)

The real culprit behind high blood pressure (Hint: it’s not salt)

  As of this writing, an incredible, unprecedented 116 million American adults have high blood pressure (hypertension). That’s just a hair shy of 50 percent of us! Out of those 116 million, only about 29 million (1 out of 4) have it under control. Note that the hypertension population got a big “boost” back in 2017 when the high blood pressure threshold was changed from 140/90 down to 130/80.  When that occurred, the percentage of...

Apr 20, 2022 3 comments

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Half of US adults have this COVID-19 risk factor—do you?

Half of US adults have this COVID-19 risk factor—do you?

  According to the American Heart Association, currently about 103 million Americans have high blood pressure—that’s nearly HALF of adults in the US!  High blood pressure is the number one cause of heart disease and stroke, plus it raises your risk of heart failure and heart attack too.  It can also damage small arteries, resulting in kidney failure or vision loss, and raises your risk of dementia. And most recently, it is a co-morbid condition...

Jan 29, 2021 2 comments

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This explodes your COVID-19 death risk

This explodes your COVID-19 death risk

  Over the last few months several facts about COVID-19 have emerged, and data from countries all over the world are filling in the blanks as to why some people acquire it and don’t even know it, some incur symptoms and then recover, yet others succumb to the virus. And one of the biggest factors behind COVID-19 related deaths that has come out in the statistics is the presence of co-morbid conditions, most significantly high...

Jun 05, 2020 7 comments

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Got high blood pressure? This is worse than salt!

Got high blood pressure? This is worse than salt!

An interesting phenomenon occurs once a statement is repeated over and over and over again. It’s believed to be true, even when that’s not necessarily the case! Take cigarettes, for example.  For years the tobacco industry paid enough people off to repeatedly deny that smoking causes lung cancer. Until the evidence was undeniable, that is. Well, another example of this in action is the contention that salt causes high blood pressure.  Because that’s not entirely...

Sep 10, 2019 4 comments

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How to recognize (and prevent!) a heart attack

How to recognize (and prevent!) a heart attack

  Few words conjure up as much fear as “heart attack.” For good reason.  Every 2.6 minutes, someone in the US is having one, and they stand about a 40 percent chance of dying from it. When it comes to a heart attack, time truly is of the essence…and it’s vital to recognize heart attack warning signs. Plus prevention is key!  You won’t have to worry about surviving a heart attack if you put the...

Dec 28, 2018 0 comments

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