9 out of 10 people have this virus and don’t know it
It may be an unsettling thought, but 95 percent of Americans have a sneaky virus that in best cases lies dormant and doesn’t cause much of a problem…but in others, well, it’s quite a different story and can spell disease and death.
I’m talking about Epstein-Barr virus.
Here’s what you need to know about this sly virus that may be affecting you more than you realize.

Rates of this disease are exploding—will you be next?
But there is another, more obscure type of disease that was relatively rare prior to the 1970’s, but now affects a whopping 50 million Americans—that’s 1 out of 6 of us!
Autoimmune diseases.

This is fast emerging as a global killer
I’ve stopped watching movies because you get more “entertainment” watching and reading mainstream media news. Talk about sensationalism and drama—some of these journalists ought to win Academy Awards instead of a Pulitzer Prize. And the thing is, they will only report what their sponsors will allow them to report…so many times a truly imperative issue is swept under the rug because it would ruffle the wrong feathers.

A growing disturbing trend in our health

Stunning discovery about autism, Alzheimer’s & more
At this stage of our scientific evolution, you would think that the human body would be pretty well mapped out by now and there are no surprises left in terms of how we’re put together. Well, you would be wrong. Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have discovered that your brain is directly connected to your immune system by lymphatic vessels that were previously thought not to exist. This stunning discovery actually...
- Tags: autoimmune disease, Immune Health