Arthritis relief without deadly painkillers!
Back in the 60s and 70s when I was a kid, arthritis was something that only happened to older people like my grandparents. Unfortunately, that has changed drastically and arthritis can affect people at ALL ages—including children! Here are some facts about arthritis that I bet you never knew, as well as ways you can achieve safe relief without dangerous painkiller if it affects you. [[big4]]The numbers are growing[[end]] According to the CDC, an estimated 54 million people in the US have arthritis—that’s about one out of six of us. That number also includes over 300,000 children! Things don’t look...

Surprisingly effective arthritis relief
Back when I was a kid, arthritis was something that I thought only happened to older people like my grandmother. But then I met a young girl (who was a cousin to one of my friends) who had chronic pain, swollen joints and walked with crutches. My friend whispered to me that she had arthritis, and that rocked my world. How on earth could a 15-year-old have arthritis? Well, now I know that’s quite...